Keeping Everybody Safe!

2020 has been and continues to be an exceptional year. Unfortunately, as of 5th November, my studio has to shut for the second time this year.

From the 2nd December, the following guidelines are in place to ensure the safety of my customers and myself. If you have any questions or concerns, or wish to discuss the health and safety of a session with me in more detail, please get in touch.

Track and Trace

My customers see me by appointment only. This means I am aware who has been in the studio and when. I take personal details as part of my normal booking process, so there is no need to ‘check in’ using the government app on arrival at the studio. I have all the required contact details associated with each of my bookings.

Studio Cleaning Policy 

My studio (including toilet facility) is cleaned at the start of every day, or before and after every appointment. All touchable surfaces are cleaned as are any props, toys or any other items used. Blankets/throws are washed between sessions. My studio is aired thoroughly in order to minimise droplets in the air. 

Diary Management 

I see no more than two appointments a day, usually one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I allow time to clean and minimise contact between one customer arriving and another leaving. 

Customer Sickness Policy 

If you or anyone in your party feels unwell, has had contact with an individual displaying symptoms of Covid-19, somebody awaiting a Covid-19 test result, or someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, please do not attend your session. Please be honest and open. Studio sessions can always be re-arranged at short notice.


If I show symptoms associated with Covid-19, find out I have been in touch with an individual displaying symptoms of Covid-19, somebody awaiting a Covid-19 test result, or someone who has tested positive for Covid-19, I will be in touch as soon as possible to re-arrange your session.

Hand Washing 

I wash my hands thoroughly for a minimum period of 20 seconds prior to every client appointment. I encourage my customers to do the same on arrival to the studio. Hand sanitising hand gel is also available.

Social Distancing

1-2m social distance is possible to maintain within the studio, but it can be difficult, especially for young children. Explain to them that distance is important and to follow my instructions. Please keep your distance where you can.


Masks are not realistic for my subjects to wear for obvious reasons. It is also unrealistic for me to wear a mask as a photographer, especially when photographing babies and small children. Young children respond to faces! When photographing adults, I am happy to wear a mask if requested. Individuals present but not in photos (such as a parent helping out) are required to wear a mask for the duration of a session. Sales/viewing appointments are viewed as retail appointments by the government and masks must be worn.