I’m Mike!
I live in beautiful Cambridge city, close to all the University colleges and venues where I shoot the majority of my work. I’ve uncovered many hidden gems in and around the city and often use them as backdrops for my customers. I love living so close to such a historic and picturesque place and I take full advantage when I’m working and when I’m not!
My Cambridge photography business was an experiment I started back in 2007. To my surprise, it’s still going strong 16 years later! I wanted to be a rock-star really (a bit more about that next) and fell into professional photography and business ownership by accident. Photography had always been a hobby and the variety that comes with working for oneself appealed to me. I guess running a photography business was a logical step and since 2007, my business has gone from strength to strength. As well as photographing 200+ weddings, I’ve seen more than 1000 babies, children and families in the studio! In recent years I’ve shot a lot of commercial/PR work for Cambridge businesses, the University and professional individuals. I shoot this work under my company and studio name, StillVision Photography.
The Rock-Star
(actually a musician & gigging drummer)
Along with photography, playing, producing and consuming music has been a passion of mine since my early teens. I play several instruments and spent 15 years as a gigging drummer. Before I started my photography business I was in a London indie band. We had good management, released singles and everything! It just wasn’t meant to be… but the band lead me to where I am today. I still work in music and collaboratively with one of my old band mates. We run a London based business writing and producing music for TV, film and advertising.
The travel enthusiast
I’ve been (almost) everywhere…
Running my own business and being my own boss has given me the luxury of time and I’ve used that to the full! In the days BC (before children), I loved to travel, to see the world and meeting new people. You can learn more from budget travel in an interesting country than by doing almost anything else! So, I’ve travelled widely and regularly and still try to do so where possible. There aren’t many countries in Europe I haven’t spent time in and apart from South America and both Arctics, I’ve stepped foot on all earth’s continents. Sometimes I’ve even been lucky enough to travel with my photography work too. I’ve photographed weddings in Italy, Hungary, Zimbabwe and sunny Scotland. I’ve also shot charity work in Malawi.